Covid-19 Emergency Housing Relief Program Town of Hopkinton

The Town of Hopkinton is pleased to offer an Emergency Housing Relief Program funded by Community Preservation Act funds approved at the 2021 Hopkinton Annual Town Meeting. The program provides Covid-19 related emergency mortgage and rental assistance for low and moderate income households, provided that:

● Mortgage assistance may be provided only to those households living in housing subject to an affordable housing restriction (recorded deed restriction) or in exchange for an affordable housing deed restriction;

● Rental assistance may be provided only to households living in units eligible for inclusion on the State’s Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI).

The support is for those who, due to loss of income or other assistance caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, are in need of help to pay rent or mortgage. All approved payments would be made directly to landlords and mortgage holders.

The deadline for applying is September 1, 2021.

More information and application forms are available on the Town website at
Questions? Call or email Elaine Lazarus at 508-497-9701 or

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