COVID-19 Updates & Precautions March 18, 2020 PM update

Town Officials and Emergency Management personnel continue to monitor the rapidly evolving COVID-19 public health emergency. Hopkinton’s Health Department is actively monitoring 25 residents, 3 are confirmed COVID-19 cases and 22 are under direct supervision with the Department. Over the past 24 hours, Hopkinton has seen two new cases, but removed two cases from monitoring. We continue to implement mitigation strategies to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 in the community.

Currently, in Hopkinton we do not have any unlinked cases either related to travel or close contact with a known case of COVID-19. Our mitigation strategy is focused on protecting the most vulnerable population, preserving the public safety and health care workforce and to minimize the social and economic impacts of COVID-19. Individuals, businesses and the community are all part of this mitigation strategy.

At this time, all town buildings are closed to the public. Essential public safety services provided by the Department of Public Works, Hopkinton Police Department and Hopkinton Fire Department will continue.

Town Buildings – Special Cleaning Effort This Week – NEW UPDATE Using equipment borrowed from the School Department the Facilities Department in-house staff have disinfected the following Town Buildings; Town Hall, Library, Senior Center, Public Works, Fire, Police, IT (Fruit Street) and Center School.

The cleaning equipment being used is the EvaClean Protexus Touchless Disinfection & Sanitizing Electrostatic Cleaner (Electrostatic Sprayer).
While supplies last, all Town employees can request disinfecting wipes for personal use at their desks to clean their own phones, keyboards, and other personal workspace areas. Additionally, spray bottles, pre-mixed with EPA approved disinfecting solution, are being provided in each building for use by any town staff on any surface.

Inspection Services (Building, Plumbing and Wiring) – NEW UPDATE The Building Department, in collaboration with the Hopkinton Health Department and Hopkinton Emergency Management Group, has determined for the health and safety of all Residents, Contractors and Inspectors the Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Gas Inspectors will not be performing any interior inspections in occupied dwellings or structures. The Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Gas Inspectors will continue to perform inspections on all new unoccupied dwellings and structures. In the event of a Building emergency please reach out to staff at 508-497-9745.

Hopkinton Public Schools – NEW UPDATE Online learning resources went live for students and families this morning. The details of this were communicated directly to students and families in the Hopkinton Public Schools.

Library – NEW UPDATE We are piloting a limited holds pickup service available by appointment to Hopkinton residents only, beginning March 19. For information about this service please see We are accepting returns in the outside book drop but you are welcome to keep library materials for as long as we remain closed. Please DO NOT return anything to the library if you, or someone in your household, is sick! Contact us if you need a due date extension. Library staff continue to be available to answer questions at 508-497-9777 and from 10 am-5 pm Monday-Friday, 10 am-4 pm Saturday. For more information and other updates, contact us or visit our website ( or social media (,

Hopkinton Senior Center: The Senior Center staff continues to be available if you have questions, concerns, need assistance attaining food or have any other needs while we are closed. Please contact us at 508-497-9730. If you know of a senior in need please reach out to us and we will follow up with them. Check out our website ( and Facebook page ( for more information.

Youth and Family Services: The staff continue to be available by phone and email to provide consultation, resources, information and referral. Contact us at 508-497-9781. If you or someone you are concerned about needs assistance please contact us. Residents are sharing helpful resources to cope with the challenges of social distancing. If you or someone you care about is in substance use recovery and need to find an online meeting, one recommended resource is and online recovery meetings can also be found at We continue to post resources on our facebook page at

Parks, Playgrounds and Playing Fields ARE CLOSED: All Town playgrounds and ball fields are closed for activities until further notice. Fields and parks should not be used for pickup games of any kind. Residents are encouraged to utilize Town owned open spaces, which remain open, to exercise, walk dogs and enjoy other activities individually and not congregate. Hopkinton’s trail system and State Parks remain open, but when encountering others, please respect social distancing guidelines (6 feet).

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