CVS reached a decision about “Snappy Dogs” Hot Dog Stand

Owners of Snappy Dogs Lisa Volpe Hachey and Teresa Boyce are very relieved today as they received word that CVS will let the Hot Dog stand stay in business in their current space in the former Colella’s parking lot. Snappy Dogs has become a favorite food stop for many locals throughout the last few years.

The CVS has been under much criticism from many locals after leasing space in the former Colella’s since they are not a locally owned business. Anti-CVS petitions and online forums were started in Hopkinton.

Snappy Dogs posted this message greatful for the CVS decision on facebook today; “JUST received word that CVS is “totally supportive” of Snappy Dogs sharing their parking lot. For that we are so VERY, VERY grateful. ‬ ‪#‎seeyouroundthetrailer‬”

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