As part of National Preservation Month in May, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) is showcasing its preservation efforts through a “Hidden Treasures” themed variety of programs at many unique historic properties in the Commonwealth’s state parks.
“The Department of Conservation and Recreation is an active preservation organization,” said DCR Commissioner Jack Murray “For over 120 years, DCR and its legacy agencies have been protecting landscapes, preserving buildings and keeping the past alive in our parks for the people of the Commonwealth.”
During Preservation Month, visitors can take part in over 50 programs at DCR facilities across the state. Special “Doors Open” events will give the public access to properties usually inaccessible to the public, like backstage at the Hatch Shell in Boston or the top of the Myles Standish Monument in Duxbury. You can find more about Preservation Month at
Preservation Month 2014 kicks off with a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Historic Curatorship Program on May 1 at Baker Lofts in Dorchester. DCR is also introducing a Twitter Treasure Hunt. Follow @MassDCR on a virtual treasure hunt to learn more about DCR’s history, hidden treasures and upcoming programs. Each week, DCR will tweet clues related to a program, site or fun fact. Simply retweet with your answer with the hashtag #DCRtreasures and you will be entered to win a 2014 MassParks pass. The answer with the most retweets in May wins.
DCR is committed to preserving the rich legacy of Massachusetts’ history reflected in the parks across our state. From Native American sites to designed gardens, DCR’s historic properties exhibit centuries of human ingenuity in adapting the land for everyday life. Preservation Month is a time to acknowledge the Commonwealth’s shared cultural heritage and DCR’s work to preserve the past.
Each year, the National Trust for Historic Preservation promotes May as Preservation Month to raise awareness about the enormous impact historic preservation has in protecting and enhancing our neighborhoods and communities. For more information on DCR’s Preservation Month program, including locations and programs, visit
The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), an agency of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, oversees 450,000 acres of parks and forests, beaches, bike trails, watersheds, dams, and parkways. Led by Commissioner Jack Murray, the agency’s mission is to protect, promote, and enhance our common wealth of natural, cultural, and recreational resources. To learn more about DCR, our facilities, and our programs, please visit Contact us at