Deadline Approaching for Hopkinton Senior Tax Relief

The Town of Hopkinton reminds seniors that the August 31 application deadline for a newly approved tax relief program tied to the state “circuit breaker” tax benefit is rapidly approaching.

A home rule petition to the Legislature was enacted into law in 2018 allowing Hopkinton to offer property tax relief to seniors who meet state circuit breaker requirements and the Select Board may make tax reduction awards of between $550 and $2,200 per household, after the Board of Assessors determines the number of qualified applicants.

This new tax relief is available to homeowners who qualify for the State Circuit Breaker Tax Relief Program. Criteria include:
Age 65 or older, with any co-owners at least age 60
Been a resident of Hopkinton for 10 consecutive years
Income below $88,000 for a couple, $73,000 for head of household, $58,000 for single
Assessed value of residence not to exceed $778,000
Financial assets beyond the home not to exceed $250,000
Income documentation required

The amount of property tax reduction benefit could vary between $550 and $2,200, and will be determined by the Hopkinton Select Board. The application is available at the Town of Hopkinton Assessor’s internet web page, or through this link:

Please call the Hopkinton Assessor’s Office, 497-9720, with any questions.

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