Deadline to Submit Articles and Petitions for Annual Town Meeting is March 3

Thank you for submitting your “conceptual” articles that were due by Friday, January 7, 2011 for the May 2, 2011 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. All of your articles have been forwarded to Town Counsel for his attention and review.

As the Selectmen voted at its January 11, 2011 meeting to open the warrant for the May 2, 2011 Annual Town Meeting, you do not have to re-submit your department’s “conceptual” articles that you recently sent to this office. If you do have any other articles that your department wishes to submit, please do so as soon as you can to or not later than 4:30 PM March 3, 2011.

For more information regarding submittal of petitioner articles, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 508-497-9710.

If you have any questions, please call me.

Thank you.
Geri Holland

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