It is time once again for the semi-annual Thank-A-Teacher program sponsored by the Hopkinton Education Foundation. Parents are invited to take this opportunity to recognize your child(ren)’s teachers in a unique way by making a donation to the Hopkinton Education Foundation.
The Education Foundation’s mission is to provide funding, ideas, professional development and other resources to educators to promote innovation that motivates students to be lifelong learners. Teachers throughout the school system are eligible to participate in our grant program. Through the generous support of the Hopkinton community, the Education Foundation continues to foster high-quality programs affecting all educational disciplines. We are proud to announce that we have funded over $950,000 worth of grants since our inception in 1992.
Each teacher or each member of a teaching team, who is honored by a donation, will receive a letter from the Education Foundation that will include the name of the child. An acknowledgement will be sent to each contributor for tax purposes. The teacher’s acknowledgement will not include the amount of the contribution.
To participate in this Thank-A-Teacher program, please fill out the attached notice and send it, along with your contribution, to the Hopkinton Education Foundation, PO Box #109, Hopkinton, MA 01748. Please send your donation by December 10th and be sure to complete ALL requested information to help us expedite the acknowledgements.
Mary Korbey
Thank-A-Teacher Committee
Hopkinton Education Foundation