At 7pm on Wednesday, August 4th, the Hangout Hour will be joined by David Daltorio and Michelle Murdock, who will update us and answer questions about the Downtown Corridor Project. In the 2nd half of the show, we will be joined by Ann Click with the Friends of Hopkinton and their Marathon Runner Morgan Woodman, Live in the Studio, to talk about the fundraising that the Friends are doing. DPW Director, John Westerling will also join us to give us an update. Tune in and feel free to submit your questions prior or during this live program!
Send us photos, comments or questions on our Facebook page , in the comments section our YouTube live stream of the program or by emailing
Tune in to the Hopkinton Hangout Hour on HCAM-TV (Comcast: Channel 8, Verizon Channel 30) and our YouTube page, every Monday at 2pm and Wednesday’s at 7pm!