We are offering our endorsement of Carolyn Dykema to continue as State Representative for Massachusetts’ 8th Middlesex District. We base this decision on a number of areas of success and achievement during her first two terms, including her demonstrated ability to work with other legislator to get things done, as well as her ongoing support for education and our veterans.
First, to get things done in government it is not enough to have a good idea, representatives must have the ability to convince others to support your idea. Carolyn has demonstrated that ability over and over again thorough her first two terms as a state representative. Her success in this regard has been acknowledged by recent awards she has received from the Massachusetts Nursery and Landscaping Association and the Massachusetts Water Works Association in recognition of her continued efforts to preserve our environment.
Second, Carolyn continues to work to support our schools. In an era where school budgets are declining but the need for quality education is dramatically increasing. Carolyn has been a leader in developing partnerships between local schools and area businesses to assure that our young people will have the skills they need to be successful in business upon graduation.
Carolyn Dykema has worked tirelessly and highly effectively to support the constituents of the 8th Middlesex District and we enthusiastically support her reelection
Jan McDevitt
Jack McDevitt
7 Beaver Brook Dr