Dykema to Discuss Water Policy at Planning Board on Monday

Representative Carolyn Dykema is scheduled to attend Hopkinton’s Planning Board meeting on Monday, August 12 to discuss Water/Storm Water policy. Dykema is first on the agenda at 7:30PM in Room 211 at Town Hall. According to an article in the MetroWest Daily News, Planning Board Chairman Ken Weismantel is concerned that water withdrawal limits set by the state are making it more difficult for Hopkinton to attract business and other large developments.

Also on the Planning Board’s agenda for August 12 is a Continued Public Hearing for 98 Hayden Rowe Street, Hopkinton Community Endowment/Hopkinton Center for the Arts(HCA) for Site Plan Review and Shared/Off-Site Parking Special Permit Applications. The HCA is proposing an 8,000 sq. ft. addition to the renovated barn for performance space and associated site improvements which include shared parking with Hopkinton High School.

The rest of the agenda is as follows:

8:30PM – Maspenock Woods (West Elm St.) – Discuss possible modifications to dwelling unit layout and design
9:00PM – Hunter’s Ridge Subdivision – Approve covenant, endorse definitive subdivision plan
9:15PM – Design Review Board

The full agenda is attached below. The meeting, while not broadcast live by HCAM-TV, is taped and the meeting video can be found online.

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