Easter Egg Hunt Only a Few Weeks Away

The Easter Bunny makes his annual visit to Hopkinton on Saturday, April 7, 2012 for the Park and Recreation’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt. The event, which is sponsored by Hopkinton Drug, will beheld at 11:00 AM on theTown Common. The Easter Egg Hunt is for Hopkinton pre-school to 2nd grade children.

Please bring your own basket or bag to collect the candy and “Special Prize Eggs”. We ask parents not to pick up eggs prior to the start of the event.
There is no registration or fee for this event and we will try to give candy to all children that attend.

Please note that the Easter Bunny will appear on the common,weather permitting, and that parents are welcome to take pictures with the bunny.

For more information please call Parks and Recreation at 497-9750 between 10 AM and 1 PM on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.

If there is inclement weather, children can greet the Bunny and receive a treat at Hopkinton Drug.

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