Editorial: Endorsing Amy Ritterbusch for Select Board

Fellow Hopkinton voters,

As we go to the polls on Monday, we’ve got the opportunity to elect new leaders to many town committees. Please consider choosing Amy Ritterbusch for the Select Board. I first got to know Amy through eHop, which she helped found. Many of us in Hopkinton count on eHop to provide thoughtful, complete and unbiased information about key issues in town. Under Amy’s leadership, eHop has held public forums on topics including turf sports fields, town growth, and water supply. Each forum included discussion about finances and community impact, and featured experts with different perspectives. I appreciate the thorough, broad and unbiased information eHop provides.

The mission of eHop is educate, engage, empower: these three words describe the strong, calm leadership that Amy demonstrates in her many community activities.

She engages with many people and perspectives in everything she does. Amy is always well-prepared for meetings and discussions. She not only educates herself, but also works to share information with the whole community. For instance, as a member of the Planning Board, Amy regularly publishes information about the Board’s work, including information packets and agendas. Amy’s commitment to transparency empowers all of us – the Hopkinton community – to be better educated, informed citizens. We come to meetings, take positions and vote using information we get through Amy’s hard work and steadfast commitment to democracy (with a small “d”).

As Hopkinton faces fiscal challenges and significant growth, I can’t imagine a better qualified candidate to serve on the Select Board. I hope you’ll join me in voting for Amy Ritterbusch for Select Board on Monday, June 29th.

Ellen Rutter
24 Forest Lane

**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**

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