Fellow Citizens of Hopkinton,
I’m writing this letter to ask you to support Joe Markey in the upcoming election for a seat on the
School Committee. Joe is a long standing, active citizen that is knowledgeable, trustworthy and cares
deeply for our Town.
I first encountered Joe many years ago when he was a member of the Planning Board, which at the time
was highly engaged in the Overlay Re-districting conversation regarding Legacy Farms. Although we
may not have agreed on every issue, Joe stands out to me as being one of the caring members who
actively engaged in a thoughtful discussion of the facts, both pro and con.
The next time I interacted with Joe was when he was Chair of the Marathon School Building Committee.
This also was a controversial issue, but Joe’s management skills kept everyone on track as the Town
once again tackled some tough issues.
This past fall/winter I worked once again worked with Joe to help push through the “For Downtown
Corridor” discussion. There were only a few of us on our small committee that we put together and Joe
was voted Chair. What most impressed me was that Joe put the facts first, then pushed through. In all
instances Joe has led in an impressive way.
The Hopkinton School Committee will truly benefit from his caring, knowledge and leadership skills.
Jane Moran
70 East Main St
Hopkinton, MA
**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**