Editorial: Endorsing Mary Jo LaFreniere for Select Board

Vote for Mary Jo Lafreniere, Hopkinton Select Board
I am urging all Hopkinton voters to re-elect Mary Jo LaFreniere to another term on the BOS. Mary Jo has spent many years working and advocating for the Town of Hopkinton from being an assessor to serving on the BOS, giving so much of herself to all of us and doing an amazing job. she never takes a short cut and always does her homework on all the issues before her. As a past long time family resident of Hopkinton, I urge you to vote for Mary Jo LaFreniere in the May election.

Sandy Altamura
Hyannis Port, MA.

**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**

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