Editorial: Endorsing Nancy Drawe for Housing Authority

In Support of Nancy “Punky” Drawe for the 5-year seat as a Commissioner on the Hopkinton Housing Authority (HHA).

Nancy, aka to most that know her Punky is a current commissioner of the Hopkinton Housing Authority after being appointed from an opening in 2021. She received unanimous support from the HHA Commissioners and the members of the Select Board for this appointment and now is the incumbent seeking to be elected to the 5-year seat on the HHA. I currently also serve as a HHA Commissioner, Nancy brings thoughtful insight and advocacy to the table and appreciate her historical knowledge she adds to this board in regards to the resident’s needs. She is a trusted ally of the residents at the HHA and greatly desire to continue as a commissioner support the needs of the Hopkinton Housing Authority’s efforts for its’ residents and properties.

Punky is generous with her time, whether as a fixture as an election worker at the polls, activities at the Senior Center and supporting HHA. She previously has served on the Veteran’s Celebration Committee and planned their annual Veteran’s recognition dinner; in addition, she has been a contributing writer for the Hilltoper senior newsletter and content contributor to other local media.
Please join me on May 16th, vote for Nancy “Punky” Drawe for Hopkinton Housing Authority – 5yr seat.

Darlene Hayes
Commissioner, Hopkinton Housing Authority
1 Third Road

**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**

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