Editorial: Endorsing Shahidul Mannan for Select Board

Shahidul Mannan’s experiences with both big data and town finances make him an ideal candidate for Select Board.

His position on the appropriations committee means he spent years learning and subsequently supporting the fiduciary responsibility of the town, a key need within the Select Board. He tempers that with compassion and understanding. He has a friendly, even disposition, something that is required when dealing with so many diverse groups and needs within the town.

His day job, in charge of data and engineering for a major hospital, reinforces both those traits and proves that others see the value in his unique perspective. It demonstrates his ability to understand complex numbers and how to make hard decisions based on them, but with an understanding that those who are represented by those numbers are real people with real needs.

I am proud to call him a friend and to endorse him for Select Board.

Lya Batlle-Rafferty
Meadowland Dr
Hopkinton, MA

**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**

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