Editorial: Endorsing Shahidul Mannan for Select Board

I am writing to endorse Shahidul Mannan for Select Board. I have had the privilege of working with Shahidul for many years as a result of our roles serving the community of Hopkinton. During my tenure on the School Committee, I had the opportunity to work with Shahidul in his role on the Appropriations Committee. I found Shahidul to be extremely knowledgeable about town finance, and appreciated the careful review he gave to the budgets of all town departments, including the schools. He worked hard to understand the complexities and priorities of the school department, as well as to balance the needs of the schools with all other town departments. Shahidul has also served on many other town committees, including the Planning Board, the Growth Study Committee, and the Community Preservation Committee.

Shahidul demonstrates all the qualities and experience I look for in a leader. Very shortly after moving to Hopkinton, he became deeply involved in town government and has served for many years in multiple capacities. This gives him the deep understanding of all department needs, combined with the broad community perspective and knowledge that I value on our Select Board. His professional background in technology, engineering, and finance provide an excellent foundation for navigating the complex challenges and opportunities that face our town today – strategically managing growth while maintaining fiscal discipline and quality of services. On a personal level, I find Shahidul to be a man of great integrity, intellect, and diplomacy. He works hard to understand the issues, asks probing questions, and is balanced in his assessment of competing priorities. He is thoughtful and respectful in his interactions with others, and I believe he will prove to be a community-builder though his role on the Select Board. I value the diversity of experience and opinion that Shahidul will bring that role as well.

Shahidul has demonstrated a deep commitment to the town of Hopkinton, is a trusted and transparent leader, and keeps the good of the larger community at the heart of his decision making. I am confident that he will be an excellent addition to the Select Board.

I am proud to be supporting Shahidul Mannan for Select Board at the polls on Monday, May 16, and I hope you will join me.

Jean Bertschmann
4 Cider Mill

**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**

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