Editorial: Hopkinton Main Street Corridor Project

Dear Editor,

We would like to share some information on Hopkinton’s Main Street Corridor project with our neighbors.

Four specific items that should be of concern to Hopkinton residents are as follows:

1. Town Common – the current plans will result in the loss of approximately 7,000 square feet of green space on the Hopkinton town common. In addition, several mature trees will be placed at risk.

2. Undergrounding of Utilities – although town officials have stated that downtown utility poles will be eliminated from approximately Ash Street to Summer Street, several existing poles in that area will remain in place. Utility poles will still be present and visible in the downtown area.

3. Bicycle Repair Stations – the town is seeking permanent easements on private property for the creation of bicycle repair station(s). We ask our fellow residents to consider how they would feel about the town unilaterally deciding to locate a bike repair station on their private residential property.

4. Project Budget – the expected cost of the project is now at least $1 million more than the original estimate. The town manager has applied for an additional $2 million in funding from the state to cover this amount. If there is a $1 to 2 million shortfall before construction has started, what type of shortfalls will there be once construction begins?

We urge residents of Hopkinton to become informed about the Main Street Corridor plans. The years of construction will impact all of us, and the above points are only a sampling of issues regarding this project. If you found the recent Main Street construction delays to be an inconvenience, just imagine how disruptive five years of construction on the length of Main Street will be.


Marianne Auger, 5 West Main Street
Sean Harris, 86 Main Street
Edwin Harrow, 8 Spring Lane
Richard and Beth Kelly, 5 Ash Street
Palmer Family, 87 Main Street
Rob Phipps, 80 Main Street
Potenzone Family, 12 Wood Street
John Stockwell, 2 Commonwealth Avenue
Ward Family, 67 Main Street

**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**