In Hopkinton, we are one of the few towns that have partisan town elections. That means that on the ballot you will see the name of the party that a candidate belongs to and whether that candidate was nominated by their party’s caucus. Having partisan elections usually means that we have more contested races than surrounding towns with non-partisan elections. The two parties work to recruit and elect candidates for local offices. Historically Hopkinton has a larger turn out for local elections than surrounding towns.
If a person wants to run for office, they can gather 50 nomination signatures or receive the party caucus nomination or do both. All Republican candidates on the ballot on May 19th gathered the required signatures and received the nomination from the caucus.
The Hopkinton Republican Town Committee (HRTC) is pleased to endorse our slate of very qualified candidates for local elected office:
Selectman – John Coutinho
School Committee- Frank Sivo
Planning Board- Francis DeYoung
Board of Health- Jennifer Belesi
Board of Library Trustees- June Harris —candidate for re-election
Cemetery Commissioners- Claire Wright—candidate for re-election
We also encourage you to vote on the two important ballot questions:
1. Whether to lower the proposition 2 ½ levy limit for real estate and personal property taxes by $1,250,000? This is an under ride.
2. Whether to exempt from Proposition 2 ½ limits the cost for the expansion and restoration of the Hopkinton Public Library?
The town election is Monday, May 19th. The polls are open at the Middle School gym from 7AM to 8PM.
The HRTC is actively involved in the recruitment of volunteers for town government positions- both elected and appointed. There are openings on several appointed boards and committees. If you would like to serve in town government or become an Associate Member of the Hopkinton Republican Town Committee, contact Ken Weismantel, Chairman at for more information.