Karen and I have been lifelong residents of our fair community. We raised five children here and all have gone on to successful careers. Four of our grandchildren currently reside in Town and hopefully two more will join them shortly. We are both products of the Hopkinton School system and have absolutely no regrets about our decision to stay in Town. The schools have improved to the point that they are the envy of most communities in the Commonwealth. We both understand well the need to give-back to the community a sentiment that is shared by Lori Nickerson.
A strong school system needs strong leadership. The School Committee is charged with managing our schools and providing an enlightened product, our children. Lori Nickerson provides an energetic but measured approach to leadership, a skill she has gleaned as an attorney in the corporate world. Her skill set as a Mom and an attorney will serve the School Committee well in the coming years.
Lori understands well the need to foster growth among employees to assure that any gaps in leadership or teaching skills are quickly filled to provide smooth transitions for the benefit of our children. Lori is engaged and will assure that the needs of our children are met while ensuring that funds provided for the schools are expended much the way they are in the corporate world – to assure that we the taxpayers get the greatest return (our successful children) for our money.
Please join us in supporting Lori Nickerson for School Committee at the polls on 19 May.
Mike and Karen Shepard