With less than one week left in this School Committee race I want to take a moment and clearly answer the most common question I have been asked in the last ten weeks: “Why are you running?”
The simple answer is I am running because I will add value, and I believe that if a person thinks they can make a difference that they should step up. I am stepping up.
I have no personal agenda other than a desire to ensure that our school district is run in the most efficient, cost effective, and transparent way possible.
I possess both a healthy respect for the past and a desire to focus on the future. We cannot let prior decisions haunt us, but we also cannot do something the way it has always been done just because it is easier. We must constantly improve.
Attending Town Meeting every year reminds me how passionately people feel about this town. I am re-invigorated and hopeful that I will soon be able to represent our town on Hopkinton’s School Committee.
I am methodical, open minded and dedicated. I plan. I look for value, and I do not make decisions lightly. I have five years of history in this community, three years of experience serving on our Zoning Board of Appeals, and over 20 years of business experience.
Now is the time for me to put all of that to work for you, for our children, and for our schools.
I will be a positive, independent voice, and I respectfully request your support and your vote at the town election on Monday, May 19th.
Thank you,
Kelly Knight
1 Ledgestone Drive