Today Marty Lamb, candidate for Republican State Committee, announced that he supports electing delegates to the national convention via caucuses. His opponent voted to take away that right and have delegates appointed.
“I would never take away the people’s right to vote. I believe that it is important to elect delegates to the national convention via caucuses. We need to keep the process open,” said Lamb.
Last year the 80 members of the Republican State Committee voted on an effort to end caucuses to elect delegates to the national convention and have delegates appointed. During the previous caucus selections, leaders of the party tried to overturn the results of the caucus, because they felt the right people were not elected. To keep tight control of the delegate selection, an effort to stop the caucuses was attempted, and fortunately, failed.
“As a member of the State Committee, I will work to open up the process. I will always support the will of the people, not the insiders,” said Lamb. “My only allegiance will be to the people. We don’t want any backroom deals. Just look at what is happening on the Democrat side. Last week, Hillary Clinton lost New Hampshire, but they are giving her the super delegates. Let’s keep the system honest.”
Lamb is promising to be a State Committeeman for the people. He has the proven track record. In 2014 he was the co-chairman of the successful effort to repeal automatic gas tax hikes which is saving taxpayers $2 billion. He organized the all-volunteer effort to get 146,000 signatures to put the initiative on the ballot. It was one of only 3 ballot questions nationwide to use only volunteers.
Lamb was also a leader in the successful effort to prohibit tax dollars for the Olympics. Due to Lamb’s willingness to step forward again, the plans for the Boston Olympics were dropped saving taxpayers tens of billions of dollars.
Lamb is endorsed by State Representative Geoff Diehl, Celeste Wilson, the former President of the Massachusetts Federation of Republican Women, and so many more grassroots activists.
Republican State Committee members are elected in March during the presidential primary. There are 2 members elected from each Senatorial district for the 80 member board that governs the GOP within Massachusetts.