**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**
Today, members of the Main Street Alliance delivered our original citizens’ petition to the office of the Hopkinton Town Manager, with a copy also hand delivered to the office of the Town Clerk. The petition has over 350 signatures. We will continue collecting signatures.
The purpose of the petition is to address the Main Street Corridor Project by having a Special Town Meeting. Our group, the Main Street Alliance, does not support the project as it is presently designed.
We look forward to the town scheduling a special town meeting as required by law.
The Main Street Alliance extends its thanks to the community for the overwhelming support we have received on this very important issue. If you would like to sign the petition, or contact us about other matters, we can be reached at mainstreetalliancehopkinton@gmail.com.
Our website is available at www.mainstreetalliance.freeforums.net.
Main Street Alliance, by the petition sponsors:
Jackie Potenzone
12 Wood Street
Ralph Potenzone
12 Wood Street
Sandra Ward
67 Main Street
John M Ward
67 Main Street
Dale T Danahy
25 East Main Street
Edwin E Harrow
8 Spring Lane
Kevin C Ahearn
5 West Main Street
Marianne Auger
5 West Main Street
John Stockwell
2 Commonwealth Avenue
Robert A Phipps
Manager of Eighty Main Street Realty, LLC
Property Owner; Non-resident Supporter
Bernard Mitchell
5 Claflin Street
Pamela Mitchell
5 Claflin Street
Beth Kelly
5 Ash Street
Richard Kelly
5 Ash Street
James Cleere
84 Main Street
Jacqueline Fick Cleere
84 Main Street
John Palmer
87 Main Street
Marilyn Palmer
87 Main Street
**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**