Editorial: Main Street Alliance Petitions to Stop Main Street Corridor Project

Many people have asked us what we can do to stop the Hopkinton Main Street Corridor Project as it is currently designed. Well, now is our chance to do something about it. Several downtown residents, business owners, and concerned citizens have formed the Main Street Alliance.

In 2018, town meeting passed Article 47, which authorizes the town to take easements on downtown properties through donation by the affected residents, through compensation paid by the town, and/or through eminent domain. The owners of the properties on Article 47, the residents who may lose their private property rights, were not notified that their property was on the town meeting warrant.

Starting today, the Main Street Alliance will be gathering signatures on our citizens’ petition to stop the Main Street Corridor Project. Once we have enough signatures, we will present our petition to the Select Board.

We are working on getting copies of the petition at local businesses. In the meantime, residents who would like to sign the petition should contact Main Street Alliance at mainstreetalliancehopkinton@gmail.com.

For more information on our Main Street Alliance visit our website at http://mainstreetalliance.freeforums.net/.

We have attached a pdf document containing an informational flyer and a blank copy of our citizens’ petition.

Thank you.

Main Street Alliance

**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**

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