Editorial: Supporting Amy Ritterbusch for Planning Board

Dear Editor,

I am happy to endorse Amy Ritterbusch for one of the two open positions on the Hopkinton Planning Board. I am fortunate to have worked with Amy in several capacities over the last 12 years. I continue to be amazed by the breadth of her knowledge and her commitment to each group, to each task. I have so much respect for her and all she gives to our community.

Amy has never needed a fancy title to be the backbone of an organization. I have witnessed the Hopkinton Moms Group, Hopkinton Parent Teacher Association, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts all benefit from Amy’s tireless work on their behalf.

Amy was instrumental in creating eHop (formerly Educate Hopkinton), when she and a small group recognized the need to help residents dissimilate and decode what was happening in Hopkinton. Ten years later, eHop remains a valuable asset to our community.

Amy is passionate about Hopkinton’s future; she does her research, is well-spoken, even-keeled and most of all, dedicated to our town and its residents. At a time when Hopkinton is quickly growing and developing, we need Amy’s thoughtful, fresh and impartial approach. We need someone who can question the status quo and make thoughtful improvements for the long term.

As an unenrolled voter, I do not look at the political affiliation of candidates or view town elections as popularity contests. I vote for a candidate based on his/her own merits. I ask you to do the same. Look at everything Amy Ritterbusch has already done for Hopkinton and know that her potential to help guide Hopkinton into a prosperous and vibrant future, makes her the best candidate for Planning Board.

Beth D’Alleva
43 Blueberry Lane