Editorial: Supporting Amy Ritterbusch for Planning Board

I am supporting Amy Ritterbusch for Planning Board because of Amy’s amazing research abilities, knowledge of the town by-laws, strong relationships and commitment to the town of Hopkinton. I have known Amy for well over ten years as we have worked together in many capacities together with eHop (formerly known as Educate Hopkinton), the Hopkinton Parent Teacher Association (HPTA) and we have children similarly aged.

I believe Amy Ritterbusch should be one of your choices for the two open seats on the Planning Board. She is committed to an open communication philosophy; she has proven and will continue to dedicate the time to research and investigate; and she will keep an open mind when addressing all areas that impact our town’s future development. Amy has proven that she is willing to put in the time and effort this volunteer position requires and will work as a part of the team to not only get the job done but to get it done well. She has a natural inquisitive mind that will prove to be an asset to this position.

Amy has shown that she can successfully juggle the time commitments of being a mother of three children, a volunteer on various roles in the schools and the town, more recently a member of the Hopkinton Center Historic District Commission and Design Review Board. Some of her volunteer roles include President of eHop, Communications Chair for the HPTA, Girls Scout Leader, and Boy Scout Advancements Chair. Please join me in voting for Amy Ritterbusch for Planning Board as she will be an excellent Planning Board member.

Finally, I encourage everyone to go and vote on Monday, May 15th.
Cindy and Manny Bernardo
5 Susan Drive

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