Editorial: Supporting Frank Sivo

I’ve been a neighbor of Frank’s for approximately 15 years, and have gotten to know him, and his family, quite well.

I find him to be a highly thoughtful and intelligent leader who is outstanding at setting and executing strategic plans for business issues as well as town issues.

He’s an excellent listener who asks the right questions, is someone who is looking to makes things better for all and rarely has a personal agenda. He is also a great human being who truly cares about others and has empathy for those in society who don’t have much or are hurting.

It annoys him when things in Hopkinton aren’t done right, and I know that he is running for our town’s School Committee because he knows he can make a significant difference for all of our children (and parents) in Hopkinton. He is a very logical thinker who comes up with solid plans for improving things, and I have no doubt that he would do this for Hopkinton in this role.

I’m a former executive in the medical devices space, and have lived in town for 20 years, and rarely write references for people running for town offices but it’s a pleasure to be writing this on behalf of Frank, and really for all of us.

The fact that he would volunteer his time and efforts on behalf of us all is truly admirable, and I know Frank is not running for the School Committee for self-gain, or for his resume. He’s running so he can help people in our town.

Many thanks Frank, on behalf of us all, and I hope you win a seat on the Committee!



Thomas H. Robinson
7 Stone Crossing Way
Hopkinton, MA 01748

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