I am writing to you to declare my support for Frank Sivo for the office of School Committee. Where it concerns the responsibilities of the office of School Committee, Massachusetts General Law stresses familiarity with school finances, the open meeting law, conflict of interest law, special education law, collective bargaining, school leadership and evaluations. Frank has the professional background and local government experience to represent our Community in this office.
His service to the Community and the Schools through his involvement with SPEAC, the Elementary School Criteria Working Group, (ESCWG) and his current position on the Appropriation Committee has provided Frank the working knowledge of the duties this office commands as well as how our local government operates. I served with Frank on the ESCWG. His communication skills, insight to the needs of the Community and breadth of knowledge of the subject were both refreshing and informative especially when the group discussed matters such as districting and facility equality.
Educating young people is the most serious responsibility a Community has. Hopkinton has always placed a high priority on education, continually pursuing a culture of performance at all levels. Education advocacy is one of a school committee member’s must powerful and critical roles. The Community deserves and should expect school committee members who have the compassion and the skill set to fulfill this fiduciary responsibility and provide leadership. I believe Frank Sivo is the most qualified candidate to serve this office and our Community.
Thomas P. Nealon
50 Front Street