Editorial: Supporting John Coutinho for Board of Selectmen

Dear Fellow Hopkinton Residents,

As a 15 year resident, business owner, mother of three children, and fellow Town of Hopkinton elected official having served on the Board of Health for the past three years, I whole-heartedly endorse current Selectmen, John Coutinho for re-election. I’ve known John both professionally and personally over the last 15 years and can say without hesitation that there is no person better suited for this position. He has the experience necessary to navigate the often times difficult sinews of politics. John’s unwavering commitment to the Town and its residents, is evidenced by his loyalty and dedication to the betterment of our Community. Please take a moment to look around; at local business openings, at sporting events, at political events, at countless Town meetings, at ribbon cuttings and the list goes on, and John Coutinho is present.

John is a father, husband, entrepreneur, teacher and leader. He is truly engrained in our Community and carries the spirit of Hopkinton in all that he does. His life is focused around his family and the Town; and his passion is evident.

I ask the residents of the Town of Hopkinton to join me in support of John Coutinho, as Selectmen, and please exercise your right to vote on Monday, May 15th.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. Jennifer Belesi
24 Huckleberry Road