Editorial: Supporting John Coutinho for Board of Selectmen

Dear Editor and Voters of Hopkinton:

I understand that as a fellow Board member, writing this letter may break some unwritten rule in local politics, but there are times we have to be willing to break the rules.

I ask you to join me in supporting John Coutinho for re-election as Selectman. I’ve known John for over 12 years and I can tell you he’s one of those people who constantly puts others before himself without thinking twice.

This dedication to the individuals who are lucky enough to know him carries over to the community as well. Over the span of my 8 years on the Board of Selectmen I’ve had the privilege of serving with the likes of Dourney, Zettek, Gates, Herr, Palleiko, Mosher, Tedstone and Wright. I enjoyed working with each of these dedicated individuals, but none is more committed to the Town and the position than John Coutinho. This is evidenced through John’s contributions and participation on more than 10 Boards and Committees over the last decade, including Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, Zoning Advisory Committee, Upper Charles Trails Committee, Marathon Fund Committee, Hopkinton 20/20 and several more…

Beyond Boards and Committees, John began volunteering in the schools nearly 20 years ago, he has coached several youth soccer teams, he is active at every Town Meeting, you will see him at almost all community events – parades, veterans’ celebrations, retirements and more.

I’ve been witness to John spending hours with individual residents listening to their concerns and answering their questions. He doesn’t vote simply for consensus, and he’s always willing to talk about his vote and explain his point of view. This fact, along with his engaged and collaborative style, is why he gets support from people of all party designations.

John is not new to the scene – he understands the purview and responsibilities of the Board he’s on and uses it to work with other Boards to achieve the goals and greater good of the Town. He also uses his institutional knowledge of the Town to generate new and viable ideas, solutions and paths forward. John doesn’t have to hide behind high level statements of improving transparency, supporting the schools, etc… He has done it and we see the details of his work every day.

Please help John continue his work for Hopkinton and vote John Coutinho for Selectman on Monday, May 15th, 2017.

Thank you.
Todd Cestari
19 Elizabeth Road