Editorial: Supporting Kelly Knight

It has been 7 years since either of us has had a child in the Hopkinton school system, however, because we believe that the foundation of our community reflects the quality of our schools, we remain engaged in the school committee races each year.

This spring we are proud to endorse Kelly Knight for one of the two open seats on the school committee.
Kelly and her husband, Alain, are the parents of two children (ages 8 and 11). Kelly is a community volunteer, current ZBA member, and a full-time professional program manager at a local software company.

Kelly’s abilities and personality will add value to the current committee – she will provide an open, logical and thoughtful approach to problem solving, the aptitude to negotiate with multiple stake holders, and the skills to find the best solutions for both the students and the taxpayers. And she will do this without any preconceived plans or agendas.

School Committee members can have a profound and lasting impact and it is for this reason that we wholeheartedly endorse Kelly Knight and ask that you join us in voting for Kelly on Monday, May 19th.

Barbara Berke
10 Gibbon Road

Susan Condon
9 Wildlife Drive

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