Editorial: Supporting Lori Nickerson

A vote for Lori Nickerson for Hopkinton School Committee is a vote for excellence.

Before I decide to support a candidate for local office, I do my homework. In this case, I watched Candidate’s Night, visited Lori’s website, read her campaign materials and arranged to speak directly with Lori on several occasions. These encounters have convinced me to vote for Lori for Hopkinton School Committee on Monday, May 19.

I am impressed with Lori’s understanding of the role and responsibilities of this position. She knows how the School Department and School Committee members should fit into the fabric of town government. To gain this information, Lori spent many hours meeting with town officials to learn what they do and how they do it. To me, reaching out this way is a first and important step in building bridges with colleagues town-wide.

Lori values the importance of communication within the school system and within the town. Her personal and professional skills make her an effective communicator, a good listener and a person who will ask questions and carefully weigh information before she makes decisions. In her role as School Committee member, these skills will serve Lori and us well.

To learn more about Lori, I encourage you to visit her website at: www.LoriNickersonSC.com.
Please join me on Monday, May 19, and vote for Lori Nickerson for Hopkinton School Committee

Marie Eldridge
10 Alexander Road

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