Elementary School Building Committee Meeting: Possible Sites and Land Use

Following a unanimous Town Meeting vote to fund a Center School feasibility study, Hopkinton’s Elementary School Building Committee (ESBC) met recently to discuss next steps. At the May 22 and June 5 meetings, ESBC members expressed a desire to use time over the Summer to develop foundational knowledge that may be helpful once the formal Feasibility Study is initiated, as well as plan community engagement activities.

The committee is hosting Town Planner Elaine Lazarus at their upcoming June 19 meeting to learn more about possible sites, and answer any questions about land use. An expert in modular building practices will also attend the meeting to speak about the industry and field questions about the use of modular facilities.

Additional work will be scheduled and announced to the public at upcoming meetings, including facility tours at both the existing Center School and Pre-K facility (currently housed in the Middle School), property walks at feasible site locations, and more knowledge-building sessions with experts in land use planning and school building practices.

“Transparency and community engagement are two of our guiding principles,” said Joe Markey, Chairman of the ESBC. “We want to be sure that both the committee and the community are learning together and getting answers to important questions that will continue to come up throughout the process.”

In addition to attending ESBC meetings, the public can follow the committee on Twitter (@HopkintonESBC), and on the Hopkinton town website at http://www.hopkintonma.gov/home/government/boards/esbc.

The ESBC’s next public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 19, at 7:00 PM in Town Hall, Room 215. A detailed agenda is attached.

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