Elementary School Building Committee Releases Site Alternatives

Hopkinton’s Elementary School Building Committee (ESBC) has set the date for their next community workshop, “Understanding Site Options,” to be held January 24th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., at the Hopkinton Middle School library. This is the second of three workshops designed to engage the public in the Center School Feasibility Study, a project to address the constraints at Center School focused on meeting the needs of Hopkinton’s pre-K through 1st grade educational program. “We’ve reached a very exciting point in the timeline of this project,” said ESBC Clerk Rob Nickerson. “We’re now at the point of deciding a location, and reviewing site testfit depictions with the community to help us make a decision the community will support.” Site alternatives being evaluated include the following locations, with preliminary testfit depictions available for public review and comment:

● Center School: Options including renovation, addition, and new construction, and depicted with and without abutting privately owned property at 25 Ash Street.

● Elmwood School: Options include construction of a new Pre K/1st grade building, next to the existing Elmwood School (which would continue to serve 2nd and 3rd grade).

● Irvine Property: Options include North and South specific construction on 20+ acres located on Hayden Rowe, just South of Hopkinton Parks and Recreation land at EMC Park.

● Todaro Property: 20+ acres, with access from 147 Hayden Rowe, abutting the Irvine property to the North, adjacent to Water Fresh Farm and abutting 5 acres of town owned property on the South.

“The project is now moving very quickly,” said Joe Markey, ESBC Chairman. “We expect to decide a location for the Center School solution within a month or so of the January 24th workshop; that’s why the community’s participation in the January 24th workshop is so critical. Now is the chance to weigh in on alternatives. After a location decision is made, all subsequent site and design work will be at the one chosen location, with a design and construction proposal coming to Town Meeting by Fall 2015.” Residents are encouraged to attend the January 24th workshop at the Hopkinton Middle School Library from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Residents can also visit the Hopkinton Public Library throughout January, where posters of the site testfit depictions are on exhibit. The site testfit depictions can also be viewed at http://www.HopkintonSchoolProject.com.