Enter Stage Left Theater (ESL) presents “Sondheim at the Movies: Songs from the Screen,” a musical revue featuring the film and television works of award-winning composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim. Written and directed by Mark DiCampo, the show will include songs from “Into the Woods,” “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,” “West Side Story,” “Gypsy,” and “Dick Tracy.” The cast is comprised of high school actors from Hopkinton and adjoining towns. Performances are Thursday, April 30 through Saturday, May 2, at 7:30 p.m. at the Hopkinton Senior Center (28 Mayhew St., Hopkinton, MA). Tickets are $20/adults, $15/students and seniors, and can be purchased online by visiting www.hopartscenter.org/performances or calling ESL at (508) 435-9222.
Cast List: Hopkinton: Sarah Billeter, John Buday, Cassandra Clark, Elisa Dong, Erik Fliegauf, Matthew Fliegauf, Brittany Forsmo, Courtney Forsmo, Sarah Gallagher, Natalie Guarino, Sophie Johnson, Bella Komodromos, Julia Lotvin, Colleen Malloy, Jack McAuliffe, Sam McAuliffe, Kyran Schnur, Megan Sheeran, John Thornton; Holliston: Mai Hartwich, Carly Ristaino; Southbridge: Kara Hadden, Kat Harvey; Upton: Kyle Gazoorian; Milford: Mackenzie Hopkins; Westborough: Erica Ross.
The Hopkinton Center for the Arts (HCA) cultivates an inclusive and vibrant community committed to the exploration and enjoyment of the visual and performing arts throughout Hopkinton and the MetroWest region. Enter Stage Left Theater (ESL) is the resident theater company of the HCA. To learn more call (508) 435-9222 or visit www.hopartscenter.org.