The Elementary School Building Committee held their first of two public info sessions in January, Wednesday January 14th to talk about the 11 proposed site alternatives for Center School. The ESBC will hold a public forum Saturday January 24th 9:00am at the Middle School Library to compare the different site options. Public Participation is encouraged!
The ESBC is currently seeking public opinion of the proposed sites. You can see pictures of all 11 plans and you’re encouraged to comment your thoughts on their Facebook page You can also find more information about the project at
The ESBC hopes the public session at the Hopkinton Middle School Library on January 24th will help them narrow down options through public input into what the best plan would be for the new Elementary School. The ESBC will use a chart and grading process called the “Site Evaluation Matrix” at the public session on January 24th and grade each site based on the various categories.
Categories on the Site Evaluation matrix or considerations in choosing the site for the project include: Program Accommodation (Subcategories to be added after program is developed, Cost / Net MSBA, Schedule, Disruption to Education, Impact to Neighbors, Traffic, Site Planning, Massing, Site Acquisitions, Permitting: Construction & Conservation, Long Range Planning, Future Growth and Flexibility, District Operations.
If you would like to email your thoughts on the project, please contact
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