Facebook Likes Up Again!

Our most recent Facebook update shows that we are continuing to grow. Thanks to all of our viewers and readers who have recently liked our page. HCAM’s Facebook “likes” are up to 667, a 375% increase for this month to date. We have over 400 monthly active users and our post views are up 61% as well.

Have you visited the HCAM Facebook page? If not, now’s the time to check it out and don’t forget to “like” our page. By doing so, you’ll be able to stay up to date with the latest HCAM happenings and stay connected with the Hopkinton community. From local government news, sports and community events, HCAM is your source for everything Hopkinton.

Visit and LIKE us on Facebook today! Help us reach our target of 700 likes by the end of September.

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