HI! My Friends,
May peace and hope reign in your hearts and touch our world. After a nice and relaxing Memorial Day weekend, I trust this note finds you and yours well. As you can see more events taking place at Fatima Shrine.
Continuing in the same spirit of collaboration: would you be so kind as to post the information I have attached, on your bulletin board or/and calendar of events? As always, if there is any problem let me know. Thanks!
The information has to do with the upcoming INTERFAITH JOURNEY WITH THE BLESSED MOTHER gathering:
+ to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima, besides the Fatima Day Celebrations (you got the info yesterday) we continue the INTERFAITH JOURNEY WITH THE BLESSED MOTHER. Last month we were blessed by the presence and the sharing led by the Islamic Society of Framingham, next month we are having a presentation from the Anglican Tradition. Mark your calendars and see you soon:
DATE: June 11th, 2017 – From 3:30pm to 5:30pm
THEME: “Mary in the Anglican Tradition”
PRESENTERS: Bishop Emeritus Donald F. Harvey and Fr. Michael J. McKinnon
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Marlborough, MA
All are welcome! For more information call: Fr. Rocco or Fr. Joe at (508) 429-2144 – Holliston@xaverianmissionaries.org
Finally, I take the occasion of this message to thank you once again for the tireless support, help and assistance you continue to offer to the Xaverian Missionaries and to the Fatima Shrine. Needless to say, we greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
This is all. Enjoy the week and may God’s abundant blessings come upon you and your loved ones.
Fr. Joe
Xaverian Missionaries