Fatima Shrine Update April 27th 2017

April 27, 2017

HI! My Friends,

Peace and serenity on you and your loved ones… I trust this note finds you and yours well. After almost 3 months in Italy visiting with mom and family I am back at Fatima Shrine trying to catch up with things…

I take the occasion of this message to, once again, thank you for posting our Fatima Shrine and Xaverian Missionaries events and announcements on your cable stations, bulletin boards, and calendar of events. Thank you, for through you we have been able to reach out to a wider audience. Many people have come to know and were able to participate in the various programs and events we – the Xaverian Missionaries, offer at the Shrine. Thank you!

Continuing in the same spirit of collaboration: would you be so kind as to post the information I have attached, on your bulletin board or/and calendar of events? As always, if there is any problem let me know. Thanks!

The information has to do with a new program to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima in Portugal:
DATE: April 30th, 2017 – From 3:30pm to 5:30pm

THEME: “Mary (Maryam), Mother of Jesus (Isa)
PRESENTER: from the Masjid-e-Basheer – Islamic Society of Framingham

I also want to let you know that Other Faiths will share monthly on the same topic until October 2017

All are welcome! For more information call: Fr. Rocco or Fr. Joe at (508) 429-2144 – Holliston@xaverianmissionaries.org

This is all for now. Thank you for your help and kind assistance. God’s abundant blessings on you and yours.

Fr. Joe
Xaverian Missionaries

Fr. Joe Matteucig, sx
Xaverian Missionaries
Fatima Shrine
101 Summer Street
Holliston, MA 01746

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