Former Board of Public Works Reviews Accomplishments

Eric Sonnett, Ron Clark and Ken Weismantel, former members of the Board of Public Works, reviewed and presented their accomplishments to the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday night. Elected in May, at the same time that Town Meeting voted to disband the committee, the three men served a total of three months on the board and met a total of seven times.

During that time, one of the tasks completed was a review of the water and sewer enterprise funds. According to Sonnett, both accounts are in excellent condition and are in the black. Sonnet also mentioned other good news for residents; no rates increases.

“People can rest easy,” said Sonnett. “Barring some catastrophic event, rates will not be going up any time soon.”

Clark reported on the group’s review of existing documents and explained that policy documents were separated from specific rules and regulations, making it easier to keep track of things.

“Everything is ready for the new government structure,” said Clark.

And finally, Weismantel provided an update on the status of the Sewer Extension Policy, saying that it is best to have the policy in place before any requests for sewer connections begin to come in.

“For me, this was a great pleasure and a very fulfilling experience,” said Town Manager Norman Khumalo about his experience working with Sonnett, Clark and Weismantel.

“You certainly filled a gap that was needed,” said Todd Cestari, acting as chair in the R.J. Dourney’s absence.

Cestari also asked for an updated on the Milford sewer connection and was assured by Department of Public Works Director Brendan O’Regan that progress had been made regarding the flow meter issue.

“I don’t have specifics,” added Khumalo, “but I’ve been led to believe that we are close to a resolution.”

According to O’Regan, if everything goes according to plan, sewage could start flowing to Milford by as early as next month.

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