Fox 25 News Coming to Hopkinton!

On Friday June 8, 2012 FOX 25’s Zip Trip will be broadcasting live from Hopkinton. This live broadcast will air from the Hopkinton Town Common beginning at 5:45AM and continuing through 10AM. FOX News 25 personnel will arrive between 3AM and 3:30AM to start setting up for the 5:45AM Zip Trip start.

Who Is Invited:
Fox 25 researches ideas and then extends invitations to people from the community to participate in the live broadcast – including restaurants, businesses, etc. Anyone who would like to come and watch the live broadcast from the sidelines is welcome. It’s a great chance for people to meet the anchors, watch a live broadcast and see the behind the scenes action.

The FOX 25 Morning News kicked off their Zip Trip season in Chelsea on May 25. Every Friday until August 3, tune to FOX 25 to see their morning team in a town near you.

Every Friday from the end of May to the end of August the FOX 25 Morning News takes their show on the road to a different “zip code” in the region. They highlight unique things about the town that make it a great place to visit. During the broadcast, from 6am – 10am, in addition to the daily news, traffic, and weather, they highlight some of the history, people, teams, restaurants and unique aspects of the community they are visiting.

To view the entire Zip Trip schedule, Click Here.

To read more about the Fox 25 anchors, Click Here.

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