Frank Sivo for School Committee

My wife Eve and I have lived in Hopkinton for 20 years. We have four children in the public school system. I have been active in our community as a Little League baseball coach, an advocate of special education students, and a member of the Appropriation Committee.

My education includes degrees in engineering as well as an MBA. Professionally, I lead strategic planning processes and the continuous improvement program for large life sciences company.

A key task of the School Committee will be to define the strategic plan for the district. I have deep experience developing and deploying strategic plans that drive results. Simple, transparent, and frequent measures of progress will be the key to assuring parents and the community that we are delivering on our strategic plan.

One of the biggest management challenges in running our schools is the budget. The School Committee must work with Superintendent MacLeod to assure that annual appropriations are prioritized and focused on areas of highest impact. As an Appropriation Committee member, I am deeply familiar with all aspects of the school budget and will be able to provide informed judgment on priorities and to make difficult choices when necessary.

Over the next few years, the Center School project will require skilled management and oversight. The difficult decisions on location and approach (renovate/build new) are still before us. In my professional career, I have helped several organizations make very large capital investment decisions, and I have helped make the resulting projects become realities. I look forward to bringing those experiences to bear on this crucial project.

With a long management career and critical experience within our town and its government, I feel uniquely positioned to deliver Great Schools that are Managed Well. I respectfully request your vote for School Committee on Monday, May 19th.

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