The Friends of Whitehall’s Annual Meeting will be held on Tues. April 3rd 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at the
Woodville Baptist Church, 249 Wood St. Woodville. The meeting will feature a special presentation on
“Vernal Pools and their wildlife” by Joy Marzolf, Teacher Naturalist and Education Coordinator at Mass
Audubon. Joy teaches various programs about wildlife at Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary in Natick. There
are many vernal pools in Whitehall State Park and on the Whitehall Conservation Area and this is a great
chance to learn more about them! A question and answer period will follow.
The Annual business meeting will also take place, with a review of the past year’s accomplishments and
plans for 2018. A brief update of FOW’s By-Laws will also be presented. Refreshments will be served
before and after the meeting.
The Friends of Whitehall’s annual membership appeal letter was sent out earlier this year to
neighborhoods around the lake; however anyone who is interested in the lake is urged to join us at the
meeting and consider membership. More information can be found on our website: We would love to expand our membership to all areas of Hopkinton and
neighboring towns. We hope you will consider joining us in our efforts to preserve Lake Whitehall and its
surrounding areas and we look forward to seeing you on April 3 rd . Also, we hope you can join us on April
21 st for our spring lake and trail cleanup! Please visit our website for more information.