Get to Know Our Muslim Neighbor, Building Bridges of Community 2/18

Please come get to know our Muslim neighbors from the Islamic Masumeen Center of New England in Hopkinton.
Muslims are an important part of the social fabric and melting pot of cultures within America.

Join us in the lower lever meeting room at the Hopkinton Town Hall in a dialogue for better understanding and building bridges as a community, with an opportunity meet the local leadership of Islamic Masumeen Center of New England, ask questions, learn about their mosque, cultures, and beliefs at this informal social hour.

If you have specific questions in advance for discussion please forward them to Dick Duggan at
We hope you can join us as we get to know our neighbors together.

Light refreshments will be provided, please rsvp to allow for space consideration & hospitality considerations to
This event has been organized and is hosted by the Hopkinton Democratic Committee.

Event will take place Thursday February 18th 7-8pm at Hopkinton Town Hall

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