3rd Grade Brownie Troop #65040 will be selling your favorite Girl Scout cookies this Saturday, December 14, at 9:00am-12:45pm at Middlesex Bank (10 Main St, Hopkinton). Cookies are $4 a box and we accept cash or checks payable to “GSEM Troop 65040.” These are the types offered this year:
Thanks-A-Lot (Shortbread and Chocolate Icing)
Cranberry Citrus Crisps (New!)
Lemonades (Shortbread and Lemon Icing)
Shortbread (Trefoils)
Thin Mints
Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs)
Caramel DeLites (Samoas)
Peanut Butter Sandwiches (Do-Si-Dos)
We are also taking pre-sale orders for the new Gluten-Free Girl Scout Cookie, the Chocolate Chip Shortbread! Gluten-Free cookies will be available at the end of January.
What Can a Cookie Do? Proceeds help fund our service projects and trips. When girls sell cookies, they combine fun and friends with leadership lessons, organizational skills, money management, and more!
Girl Scout cookies contain no trans fats, preservatives or artificial colors. Some varieties are milk-free, nut-free and vegan. Read more at http://www.abcsmartcookies.com/2013-14-cookie-nutritional-facts.