Did you know:
• 1,000 children die each day from preventable diseases caused by unclean drinking water?
• women and children will travel an average of 6k to collect water which isn’t always clean?
Join us and people across the globe in our mission to bring clean water and fullness of life to children in communities around the world. Walk, run, or push a stroller with us at the World Vision Global 6K for Water on May 6, 2017. Each registration for the adult race provides lasting clean water to a child. On race day, you walk/run with that child’s picture on your race bib. Registration is $50 and all of that fee will go toward clean water initiatives.
To register, go to and follow these steps:
1. Click “Join our team.”
2. Select Participant type “Individual” and Role “Join a team.”
3. Under “Find a Team,” search for “Faith Community Church of Hopkinton.”
Check-in begins at 8am at Faith Community Church at 146 East Main Street in Hopkinton. Race start 9am. Kids loop starts 10:30am. Questions? E-mail Josh Morrison: