H.A.L.T. Annual Meeting September 25

Formed in 1995 as a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and preserving open space in Hopkinton, the Hopkinton Area Land Trust (H.A.L.T.) is now a member organization. Their first annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, September 25, from 2pm to 4pm at the Hopkinton Fire Station Conference Room on the second floor.

“We re-branded the trust, came up with a new logo and we’re now a member organization,” said David Goldman, President.

According to Goldman, H.A.L.T. has been very successful on a shoestring budget for the last 16 years. There are currently 70 members and moving forward, Goldman hopes to double the trust’s membership in the coming year. Three different levels of membership are offered for $30, $50 and $100 per year.

H.A.L.T. currently directly owns 750 acres of land, ninety-five percent of which is open to the public.
It maintains seven trails and one overlook.

Goldman says that the vision for the trust is to put together contiguous pieces of land around the town, almost like a “green necklace.”

“The northeast section of Hopkinton is mostly complete,” said Goldman. “We’re working diligently on the northwest and southeast sections now, but it is hard to find contiguous pieces of land.”

The annual meeting will outline both the trust’s accomplishments over the past 12 months and its goals through 2012. Other agenda items include the election of one new Director and the formation of three committees; stewardship, membership and website. Time has also been allotted for questions and answer. Coffee and cookies, donated by Colella’s Supermarket, will be served and a door prize will be awarded.

“Please come join us for an informative session,” invites Goldman.

For more information visit the H.A.L.T. website. Contact for the event is David Goldman at 508-435-6578 or 508-509-8801 (cell).

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