Writer/Spoken Word artist Cheryl Perreault will lead a monthly writing center for adults. Perreault who hosts “Wake Up and Smell the Poetry” at HCAM -TV and has a doctorate in education/psychology believes that everyone has a creative, deep- thinker and writer within and that many people would like to be writing… but tend to put it on a back burner for “later on.” Perreault, who also has worked as a life- review writer for people in hospice at the end stage of their life, believes the sooner we get out the paper and pen…the greater the potential for feeling more observant and “alive” in one’s life … “write now!”!
These sessions will consist of making time for comfortable writing… (no high expectations of pay-off , no low incrimination of self -judging/criticism ) and also be provided with in-session writing assignments to promote positive experiences in the act of creative writing. Participants will also be invited to engage (optional) in positive-minded group discussion while sharing writing samples out loud as a means of learning and connecting with one another as a writing community.
All levels of writers welcome…whether well-published and seasoned or brand new to pen and page. This is about being a contributing community of writers gathering to make time to write and to listen and learn from one another as well.
So …What are you waiting for? Sessions take place 6:00 – 8:00 pm on the first Friday of each month beginning January 4, 2013.
Fee: $20/session. Sessions will take place amidst the splendid atmosphere and ambiance at Water Fresh Farm.
Space is limited – REGISTER at www.hopartscenter.org