HCAM Letters to the Editor Guidelines for 2023 Hopkinton Town Election

-The opinions and comments expressed in letters to the editor are those of the writers and not necessarily those of HCAM.

-Submissions must include the writer’s name and address for verification and publication with the letter.

-HCAM reserves the right to edit letters for length. We ask that Submissions should be no more than 400 words.

-Letters may be edited by HCAM staff for space, errors or clarification.

-All Letters must include appropriate language and be suitable for all ages.

-All Letters regarding Town Election will be posted starting May 1st through Friday May 12th at 5pm.

-The HCAM Staff offers no guarantee that every letter sent to us will be published, but we will do our best to post all letters regarding Town Election sent to us within the May 12th deadline.

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