HCAM’s Bragging Rights is Coming!

Want to be involved in the first ever HCAM game show? HCAM’s Bragging Rights films on Wednesday, October 25th at 3:00 PM for its debut episode, and we are always looking for live audience members to cheer on the contestants! No effort required, except for some applause. If you would like to participate in the audience, please reach out at jim@hcam.tv

If you’re a Hopkinton middle or high schooler and you want to get in on the action, we are always looking for new players. Teams consist of three players each, so grab your friends or sign up solo, and we’ll make the teams. If you have any interest, please sign up at the link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/178gkmCg1PMGrPlnF34wtuhbDaevwfFhwE_annB…

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